The Historic Home of Scottish Chess - 200 years old
The country's senior chess club offers a warm welcome to everyone wishing to visit our West End clubrooms.

Established on the 4th November 1822 and now celebrating its bicentenary, it is not only the oldest club in Scotland and the UK but probably the second-oldest club in the world. (Zurich is believed to be the oldest est. 1809)
We have been organising a variety of events to mark this milestone, as well as leading up to the 200th anniversary of the famous Edinburgh - London correspondance match in 2024. Watch the News pages for details of events.
The Edinburgh Chess Club is proud of its heritage and is happy to entertain chess enthusiasts from all over the world - in person as well as here on the web site.
We are equally glad to see local players who wish to take advantage of our clubroom facilities to play more often - whether they wish to play for us in the leagues as full members, wish to play only in our tournaments, or merely play casual chess as affiliate members.
We offer training and coaching to junior players and the chance to play in our Tiger Cubs junior team in the Edinburgh League - which restarted last season after being postponed for two years by the Covid pandemic restrictions.
We hope you'll find the club a stimulating place to pursue the game.