Tag Archives: Tournament

Congratulations to David Wilson on winning Section A of the Quads competition.  A final game draw with Chris McIntee being enough to finish ½ a point ahead of Mike Ridge.

Round 5

Chris McIntee   ½ – ½    David Wilson

Latest Standings

    DW MR CM YY Total
David Wilson 1650e x x 1d 0 1 ½ 1d 1
Mike Ridge 1832 0d 1 x x 0 1 1 1 4
Chris McIntee 1854 0 ½ 1 0 x x 0  
Yanni Yannoulis 1697 0d 0 0 0   1 x x 1

Round 4

Section A

David Wilson               1 – 0         Yanni Yannoulis

Section B

Calum McGillivray     ½ – ½        Robert Burns

Johnny Marr                 0 – 1         Alastair Girvan

Round 1

Section B

Alastair Girvan            ½ – ½       Robert Burns

Latest Standings

Section A                    
    CM MR YY DW Total
Chris McIntee 1854     1   0   0   1
Mike Ridge 1832 0       1   0d   1
Yanni Yannoulis 1697 1   0       0d 0 1
David Wilson 1650e 1   1d   1d 1     4
Section B                    
    AG JM CM RB Total
Alastair Girvan 1560     ½ 1     ½   2
Johnny Marr 1428 ½ 0     ½   1   2
Calum McGillivray 1249     ½       ½ ½
Robert Burns 1063 ½   0   ½ ½    

The club hosted the Summer Allegro on 8th May.  Twenty players competed with Bill Falconer emerging the winner with a score of 4½/5.


 Bill Falconer    (Dragons)            4½

Siegrun Macgilchrist (Ayr), Mark Sanderson (Edinburgh), John Smith (Grangemouth)     4

Lindsay McGregor (Edinburgh)       3½

The prize for the best score by a player aged over 90 was won by Johnny Marr.

The club hosted the Spring Allegro on Sunday March 20th with a capacity entry of 24 players.  The proud winner of the Spring Allegro Trophy (two splendidly yellow flower pots magnificently crested with a packet of sunflower seeds) was Callum Watt with a score of 4½/5, which included a win over top seed Ed Perry.  Details:

1. Callum Watt (Balerno)             4½

2. Dick Heathwood (Pentland Hills)    4

3. Ed Perry (Sandy Bells), Mark Sanderson (Edinburgh), Paul Girdwood (Gorgie/Dalry)     3½

Many thanks to Bob Burns and David Archibald for another well run and enjoyable event (and further contribution to Club funds).

Next event likely to be early May.