
The Calendar now includes League matches, Club Championship dates, and all Club Events. If you are organising anything not listed here or know of anything you think should be added then please get in touch with Bill and he will add it in.

< 2023 >
June 20
  • 20
    June 20, 2023

    Edinburgh Chess Club Members Lightning

    19:30 -21:30

    It would be extremely helpful, although not a requirement, if members could let Raj Bhopal know whether they will be playing in this event.  Preferably, send an email to:  You may, however, turn up on the day at the time specified.  Late-comers will not be added to the competition.

    Please arrive sharp at 7:30 PM. (Expected finish 9:30 PM).

    Members of the club are eligible for this event (visitors and guests are not eligible to play although of course new membership applications are possible!).

    There will be a trophy, and the winner will be recorded in the annals of the history of the club, via the minutes of the AGM.  There will probably be seven rounds, depending on the number of people who play.  The results will not be sent for grading.

    Time control: five minutes per game with no increments (the modern three minutes with two second increments is too fast for many!)

    Organiser: Raj Bhopal (
    Arbiter: David Archibald
    Pairing maestro: Andre Antunes