Intrepid chess player and global traveller Bob Kane recently competed in the 2nd Torquay Riviera Tournament, U1900 section, and scored 3.5/5, finishing in a tie for second place. He sent us this report:
It’s an 8-hour train journey from Edinburgh—or in my case, 5 episodes of Netflix series “the Bear” —but it was worth traveling to visit the picturesque harbours, steam railways, quaint pubs, and more.

In my first-round game, the position was looking pretty drawish even, with Rc7 being threatened, which would lead to an exchange of major pieces. I played Kf2—how does this trappy move stop 24..Rc7? The answer is : ..24..Rc7? 25 Qxd6 ..Rc2+ 26Rxc2 ..Qxd6 27 Rc8+ ..Kh7 28 Rh8+ ..Kxh8 28 Nf7+ resigns. [tip : alway look one move further particularly for forcing moves]
Please don’t publish the whole game as its very boring!
Best Regards